
Steps For Booking

1. Available dates are highlighted in the calendar.
2. Choose your desired date.
3. Available slots will be visible on clicking the exact date which will redirect to booking form.
4. New customer & current customer button will be visible on the top
New customers can register from the same form.
Existing customers can login by choosing current customer form.
Note: Please choose the exact treatment chosen from the time slot in calendar.
(Chosen time slot details will be displayed on the top of the form)
Click on the booking request and fill all the details mentioned and proceed with the payments
For quires please reach us on:

Book Your Appointment Now..!

Smriti Meditation: Choose 2 hours slot
General consultation: Choose 15 minutes slot.
To Book your appointment and enquire about the available slots for consultation



General Consultation : 30 USD
Smriti Meditation        : 80 USD